
Shaukat Khanum Pathology Laboratory, one of the nation’s largest and most sophisticated facilities, uses state-of-the-art equipment for all tests, setting a standard for result accuracy and reliability.

The Pathology Laboratory consists of the Anatomic and Clinical Pathology sections including the Blood Bank. With its comprehensive test menu, more than 4 million tests and procedures are performed every year. Both the Laboratory and the Blood Bank are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with Consultant Pathologists available on call round the clock. Read more…

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Pathology Test Panels

Our Pathology services are available at the following locations. Follow the link to see the relevant address and map:

Find below the complete list of tests:

Pathology - Test menu
Test NameSample RequiredTurnaround Time
Clinical Chemistry
Albumin3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Albumin - 24 hours urine24 Hours urineDaily
Albumin - CSFCSFDaily
Albumin fluid - other than serumFluidDaily
Aldolase-Serum3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
ALT3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Ammonia3 mL Blood (EDTA tube); The sample for this test can only be collected at one of our hospitals.Daily
AMYLASE - SERUM3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
AMYLASE - URINE5-10 ml UrineDaily
Amylase 24 Hours Urine24 Hours urineDaily
Amylase Fluid- Other than Serum FluidDaily
ASO-Quantitative (Anti Streptolysin O)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
AST3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Bicarbonate3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Bicarbonate, Electrolytes (Na, K, Cl), Urea Nitrogen, Creatinine3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
BLOOD GLUCOSE + URINE (pH, GLUCOSE, PROTEIN)-FASTING3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube) + UrineDaily
BLOOD GLUCOSE + URINE (pH, GLUCOSE, PROTEIN)-RANDOM3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube) + UrineDaily
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
C33 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
C43 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
CALCIUM - SERUM3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
CALCIUM - SPOT URINE5-10 ml UrineDaily
CALCIUM 24hrs Urine24 Hours urineDaily
Calcium, Corrected3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
CARDIAC PROFILE (LDH, CK, AST, CKMB)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
CHLORIDE - SERUM3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
CHLORIDE - URINE5-10 ml UrineDaily
Chloride 24 Hours Urine24 Hours urineDaily
Cholesterol3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
CK3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
CK-MB3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
C-Reactive protein high sensitive (CRP-HS)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
CREATININE - 24 HOURS URINE24 Hours urineDaily
CREATININE - SERUM3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
CREATININE CLEARANCE3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube) + UrineDaily
Creatinine Fluid- Other than Serum FluidDaily
CREATININE URINE5-10 ml UrineDaily
CRP (Quantitative)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
CSF TESTING - COMPREHENSIVE (Includes Glucose, Protein, Cell Count & Differential, Culture)CSF1 - 2 days
D-Dimer3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Direct Bilirubin3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
ELECTROLYTES (Na, K, Cl)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
GGT3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
GLUCOSE FASTING3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
GLUCOSE RANDOM3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Haptoglobin3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 week
HDL Cholesterol3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
IgA - Quantitative3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
IgG - Quantitative3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
IgG (Immunoglobulin G) - CSFCSFDaily
IgG4 subclass3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 week
IgM - Quantitative3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Ionized Calcium3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
IRON3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Kappa , Lambda light chain (Bound and Free)Profile included ratio3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 week
Kappa Light Chain (Bound and Free)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 week
LACTATE2 mL Blood (Grey cap Sodium Fluride tube); The sample for this test can only be collected at one of our hospitals.Daily
Lactate - CSFCSFDaily
Lambda Light Chain (Bound and Free)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 week
LDH - FLUIDSFluidDaily
LDH - SERUM3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
LFT (TP, ALP, ALB, T.BILI, ALT, AST, GGT, A/G ratio)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Lipase3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Lipase Fluid- Other than Serum FluidDaily
LIPID PROFILE (TRIG, CHOL, LDL, HDL, VLDL)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
MAGNESIUM - SERUM3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
MAGNESIUM - URINE5-10 ml UrineDaily
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube); A fasting specimen will be required and sample for this test can only be collected at one of our hospitals.Daily
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test(OGTT) with 75g glucose load3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube); A fasting specimen will be required and sample for this test can only be collected at one of our hospitals.Daily
OSMOLALITY SERUM3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
OSMOLALITY URINE5-10 ml UrineDaily
Phenytoin3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Phosphorous 24 Hours Urine24 Hours urineDaily
Phosphorus3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
PHOSPHORUS URINE5-10 ml UrineDaily
POTASSIUM - SERUM3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
POTASSIUM - SPOT URINE5-10 ml UrineDaily
POTASSIUM 24hrs URINE24 Hours urineDaily
PROTEIN - 24 HOURS URINE24 Hours urineDaily
PROTEIN - SPOT URINE5-10 ml UrineDaily
Rheumatoid Factor (Quantitative)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Serum Ceruloplasmin3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 week
SODIUM - SERUM3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
SODIUM - SPOT URINE5-10 ml UrineDaily
SODIUM 24hrs URINE24 Hours urineDaily
TIBC3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Total Bilirubin3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
TOTAL PROTEIN - SERUM3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Transferrin saturation (TSAT)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Triglyceride Fluid- Other than Serum FluidDaily
Triglycerides3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
UIBC (Unsaturated iron biding capacity)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Urea Nitrogen-24 Hours24 Hours urineDaily
Urea Nitrogen-Spot Urine5-10 ml UrineDaily
Uric Acid3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
URIC ACID 24hrs URINE24 hours urineDaily
Uric Acid Spot Urine5-10 ml UrineDaily
Urinary Albumin/Creatinine Ratio5-10 ml UrineDaily
Urinary Microalbumin5-10 ml UrineDaily
Urinary Protein/Creatinine Ratio5-10 ml UrineDaily
Valproic Acid3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Vancomycin3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Voriconazole, serum3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT)3 mL sodium citrate tube (coagulation); The sample for this test can only be collected at one of our hospitals and selected Collection Centres.Daily
Heparin Anti-Xa Assay, Plasma3 mL sodium citrate tube (coagulation); The sample for this test can only be collected at one of our hospitals and selected Collection Centres.3-4 days
Bleeding Time (IVY's method)ProcedureDaily
CBC - special for Dengue3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)Daily
CBC + Auto Differential (5 Parts) Includes Hb3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)Daily
CBC + Manual Differential (5 Parts) Includes Hb3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)Daily
CBC without Differential includes Hb3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)Daily
Cell Count + DifferentialBody fluid, CSF1 - 2 days
CLOTTING INHIBITORS/ANTICOAGULANTS; ANTITHROMBIN III, ACTIVITY3 mL sodium citrate tube (coagulation); The sample for this test can only be collected at one of our hospitals.Daily
ESR (Erythrocytes Sedimentation Rate)3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)Daily
Factor VIII3mL sodium citrate tube (coagulation), The sample for this test can only be collected at one of our hospitals. Daily
Fibrinogen3mL sodium citrate tube (coagulation)Daily
Fibrinogen Degradation Product (FDP)3mL sodium citrate tube (coagulation)Daily
Filaria Parasite (Filariasis)3 mL Blood (EDTA tube).
Specimen must be taken at night between 09:00pm to 02:00am, because Filarial Parasite is found in peripheral blood circulation during these hours
G-6-PD Qualitative3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)Daily
Hematocrit (HCT)3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)Daily
Hemoglobin (Hb)3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)Daily
Immature Platelet Fraction (IPF%)3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)Daily
LUPUS ANTICOAGULANT3 mL sodium citrate tube (coagulation); The sample for this test can only be collected at one of our hospitals and selected Collection Centres.Daily
Malaria Antigen ICT3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)Daily
Malaria Parasite (Special Price)3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)Daily
Malarial Parasites ( MP )3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)Daily
Prothrombin Time (PT/INR)3mL sodium citrate tube (coagulation)Daily
RBC Morphology3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)1 - 2 days
Reticulocyte Count3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)Daily
Special Chemistry
17 Hydroxy Progesterone3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 2 Weeks
25 Hydroxy Vitamin D3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone)3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)2 - 4 days
AFP3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Anti Cardiolipin Ig G, IgM3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 2 weeks
Anti Cardiolipin IgG 3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 2 Weeks
Anti Cardiolipin IgM 3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 2 Weeks
Anti CCP3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Anti dsDNA by Crithidia IFA3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)3 - 5 days
Anti HAV-Total3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Anti HAV-IgM3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Anti HB Core IgM3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Anti HBe3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Anti HBs3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Anti HCV3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Anti HDV (Total)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 2 weeks
Anti Hepatitis B Core Antibody (IgM + IgG)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Anti Hepatitis B Core Total (IgG and IgM)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Anti HIV3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Anti Measles IgG3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 2 weeks
Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Anti Mumps IgG3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)2 - 3 days
Anti Phospholipid IgG3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)2 - 3 days
Anti Phospholipid IgM3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)2 - 3 days
Anti PLA2R (Phospholipase A2 receptors) IgG3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)2 - 3 weeks
Anti Thyroglobulin3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)2 - 4 days
Anti Tissue Transglutaminase IgA3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 3 days
Anti Tissue Transglutaminase IgG3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 3 days
Anti TPO (Thyroid Peroxidase)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)2 - 4 days
Anti Varicella Zoster IgG3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 3 days
Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) by Immunofluorescence3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 3 days
Aspergillus (galactomannan) Antigen3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)3 - 5 days
Beta 2 Microglobulin3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)2 - 4 days
Beta D glucan3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)3 - 5 days
Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), Quantitative3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Brucella Antibodies3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
c&p ANCA3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 3 days
CA-1253 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 2 days
CA-15.33 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)2 - 4 days
CA-19.93 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)2 - 4 days
CALCITONIN3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)2 - 4 days
c-ANCA (Anti PROTEINASE-3)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 3 days
Carbamazepine3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
CEA3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 2 days
CORTISOL3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 2 days
Cortisol 24 hours urine24 hours Urine1 - 2 days
c-Peptide3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube); A fasting specimen will be required.2 - 4 days
Cyclosporine, blood3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)3 - 5 days
Cytomegalovirus IgG3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)3 - 5 days
Cytomegalovirus IgM3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)3 - 5 days
Dengue Combo3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Dengue IgG - antibody3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Dengue IgM - antibody3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Dengue NS1 antigen3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
DHEA - SO43 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)2 - 4 days
Drug of Abuse Screening, Urine5-10 ml UrineDaily
Echinococcus antibody IgG3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 2 weeks
ENA Profile (dsDNA, nucleosomes, SS-A (Ro), SS-B (La), Sm, RNP/Sm, Scl-70, Jo-1 and centromere B)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)3 - 5 days
Erythropoietin3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 2 weeks
Estradiol3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)2 - 4 days
Faecal CalprotectinStool1 - 2 weeks
Ferritin3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Folate3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube); A fasting specimen will be required.2 - 4 days
Folate, red cell3 mL Blood (EDTA tube); The sample for this test can only be collected at one of our hospitals.2 - 4 days
Free Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 2 days
Free T33 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Free T43 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
FSH3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Glycohemoglobin (HbA1C)3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)Daily
H. pylori antigen detection in stoolStool3 - 5 days
HBeAg3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Hb-electrophoresis / Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathy Evaluation3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)3 - 5 days
HBsAg3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Helicobacter Pylori IgG3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 2 days
Hepatitis E (HEV) IgG3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)2 - 3 days
Hepatitis E (HEV) IgM3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)2 - 3 days
Herpes I & II IgG3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)3 - 5 days
Herpes I & II IgM3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)3 - 5 days
HGH3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube); A fasting specimen will be required.2 - 4 days
Homocysteine3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 2 weeks
IgE, Total3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 2 days
Immunofluorescence antibody panel for ANA, AMA and ASMA3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)2 - 4 days
Immunotyping, Serum3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 2 Weeks
Immunotyping, Urine5-10 ml Urine1 - 2 Weeks
Insulin3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube); A fasting specimen will be required.2 - 4 days
Insulin Like Growth Factor - 1 (IGF-1)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 2 weeks
LH3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Metanephrine and Normetanephrine3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 2 weeks
Methotrexate3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Mono Spot (Infectious mononucleosis3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) gold assay -IGRA6 mL blood (Green cap heparin tube)1 - 2 Weeks
Neonatal TSH3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
p-ANCA (Anti MPO)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)2 - 3 days
Procalcitonin3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Progesterone3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)2 - 4 days
Prolactin3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
PSA3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
PTH-Intact3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 2 days
RPR with titre3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Rubella IgG3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)3 - 5 days
Rubella IgM3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)3 - 5 days
Serum Protein-Electrophoresis3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)1 - 2 Weeks
Syphilis TP3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
T33 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
T43 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Tacrolimus, blood3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)3 - 5 days
Testosterone3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Thyroglobulin3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)2 - 4 days
Thyroglobulin, Tumor marker3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)2 - 4 days
Thyroid Cancer Surveillance Panel (Thyroglobulin, Anti-Thyroglobulin, TSH)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)2 - 4 days
Thyroid Profile (T3, T4, TSH)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Thyroid Screening (Free T4, TSH)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Torch Profile3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)3 - 5 days
Toxoplasma IgG3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)3 - 5 days
Toxoplasma IgM3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)3 - 5 days
Treponema pallidum hemagglutination (TPHA)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Troponin I3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
TSH3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
Vitamin B-123 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube)Daily
VMA (Vanillylmandelic Acid), 24 hour Urine24 hours urine1 - 2 Weeks
Acute Leukemia Immunophenotyping by Flow CytometryBone marrow aspirate/Peripheral blood/ CSF3 - 4 days
BONE MARROW - COMPREHENSIVE (Aspiration & trephine biopsies processing & interpretationBone marrow with trephine1 week
Bone marrow Aspirate only, Processing and InterpretationBone marrow Aspirate1 week
CD 34 COUNT3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)1 week
CD4/CD8 Count3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)1 week
Lymphocyte Subset Analysis ( Chronic Leukemia Immunophenotyping on Peripheral Blood, Bone marrowBlood / Bone marrow / CSF1 week
MRD (Measurable/Minimal residual Disease) for ALLBlood / Bone Marrow Aspirate1 week
Blood Bank
BLOOD GROUP + Rh TYPE6 mL blood (EDTA Tube)Daily
BLOOD PRODUCT SCREEN (Screened for HBsAg, Anti HCV, HIV, RPR, CBC W/O DIFFERENTIAL, Anti HB core total (IgG and IgM), NAT & MA-ICT)5 mL serum (red cap gel tube) and 6+6+3 mL blood (EDTA Tube)Daily
Bone marrow harvest autologousProcedureDaily
COOMBS DIRECT6 mL blood (EDTA Tube)Daily
CROSS - MATCH / UNIT6 mL blood (EDTA Tube); The sample for this test can only be collected at one of our hospitals.Daily
Cryopreservation of the hematopoietic progenitor cellsProcedureDaily
FRESH FROZEN PLASMA (Screened)Blood ProductDaily
Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Collection (Allogeneic)ProcedureDaily
Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Collection (Autologous)ProcedureDaily
Plasma Apherises (Exchange)ProcedureDaily
Platelet apheresis for paediatric patientsProcedureDaily
Platelet apheresis for volunteer donorsProcedureDaily
RBC - PACKED CELL / UNIT_ml (SCREENED)Blood ProductDaily
RBC Alloantibody identification6 mL blood (EDTA Tube)Daily
RBC Alloantibody Screen6 mL blood (EDTA Tube)Daily
RBC-Packed cell/unit ml (screened) for paeds patientBlood ProductDaily
RED BLOOD CELL depletion of (BMH) productBlood ProductDaily
Rh (D) Ab. SCREEN6 mL blood (EDTA Tube)Daily
Therapeutic PhlebotomyProcedureDaily
WHOLE BLOOD / UNIT 500 ml (SCREENED)Blood ProductDaily
Cytopathology per slide for patient (stained/unstained)Not Applicable2 days
Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) attended by cytotechnologist on site evaluation and preliminary diagnosisProcedure4 Days
Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) by pathologist, preparation and interpretation (including cell block)Procedure4 Days
Fluid for cytology (all body fluid types including cellblock)Fluid4 Days
Gynaecological, Cervical or Vaginal SmearsPAP smear slide4 Days
Outside unstained Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) slides/material (including cell block)Slides \ FNA material4 Days
Review of Gynaecological cervical or vaginal reported smearsCervical smear slide4 Days
Review of Slides (Upto 5)Slides4 Days
Thin Prep Gyn CytologySample from cervix4 Days
Block(s) and/or H&E Slide(s) for patient (upto 02 Blocks and/or 05 Slides)Not Applicable1 - 2 Weeks
Frozen Section (Single Specimen) By AppointmentFresh Tissue sampleDaily
Histopathology (Gross & Microscopy) for Prostate BiopsiesTissue1 - 2 Weeks
Histopathology (Gross Microscopy & Immunohistochemistry stains) SmallTissue1 - 2 Weeks
Histopathology (Gross Microscopy & Immunohistochemistry stains) MediumTissue1 - 2 Weeks
Histopathology (Gross Microscopy & Immunohistochemistry stains) LargeTissue1 - 2 Weeks
Histopathology Comprehensive Review - Referred Blocks and Slide, Including Histochemical & Immunocheimstry stainsBlocks + slide1 - 2 Weeks
Histopathology-Medium/Large Bone (Gross, bone decalcification and microscopy including histochemical and immunochemistry stains)Bone biopsy1 - 2 Weeks
Immunofluoresence study, each antibody; direct methodTissue sample1 - 2 Weeks
Immuno histochemistry (Prognostic)Paraffin block1 - 2 Weeks
Immunohistochemistry (Each Antibody)Paraffin block1 - 2 Weeks
Immunohistochemistry breast receptor with ki67 (ER/PR/Her2/ki67)Paraffin block1 - 2 Weeks
Immunohistochemistry MSI proteinsParaffin block1 - 2 Weeks
Immunohistochemistry PD-L1 (22C3 ) AssayParaffin block1 - 2 weeks
Immunohistochemistry PD-L1 (SP142)Paraffin block1 - 2 Weeks
Liver or Muscle Biopsy (including Immunohistochemistry)Tissue sample1 - 2 Weeks
Mortuary Body Storage per dayNot ApplicableNot Applicable
Renal Biopsy - Comprehensive including Histology, Special Stain & ImmunofluorescenceTissue sample1 - 2 Weeks
Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae detection via GeneXpert CT/NG assay5-10 ml Urine Daily
Clostridium difficile (toxigenic) detection via GeneXpertStool Daily
Cryptococcus Antigen in CSF / SerumCSF, serum Daily
Cryptosporidium stain from stoolStool 1 - 2 days
Culture Blood20 mL Blood 1 week
Culture fungal and microscopySputum / BAL / Urine / Aspirates / Pus / Body Fluids / blood / Tissue / Bone / Tracheal aspirate / Bronchial washings / Bronchial brushings / CSF 2 - 3 weeks
Culture Legionella in waterWater 1 - 2 Weeks
Culture mycobacterial and sensitivity testingSputum / BAL / Tracheal aspirate / Bronchial washing / Bronchial brushings / Urine / Aspirates / Pus / Body Fluids / blood / Tissues / Bone marrow / CSF 8 weeks
Culture sputum/BALSputum / BAL / Tracheal Aspirates / Bronchial washing /Bronchial brushings 1 week
Culture stool and microscopyStool 4 - 5 days
Culture-Others (Aspirates, Ascitic fluids)Sputum / BAL / Tracheal aspirates / Bronchial washing / Bronchial brushing / Aspirates / Pus / Body Fluids / tissue / Bone / Bone marrow / CSF 4 - 5 days
Culture-SputumSputum 4 - 5 days
Culture-Throat SwabThroat Swab 3 - 4 days
Culture-Urine10 - 50 ml Urine in sterile boric acid container3 - 4 days
Culture-Wound SwabWound Swab,HVS 4 - 5 days
Faecal Occult BloodStool Daily
Food cultureFood 2 - 3 weeks
Gram stain all sites, where requestedSputum / BAL / Tracheal aspirate / Bronchial washing / Bronchial brushings / Urine / Aspirates / Pus / Body Fluids / tissue / CSF Daily
India Ink Stain (Cryptococcus sp)CSF Daily
KOH smearTissue / hair / nail / scrapping / CSF Daily
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA) Colonization Screening CultureNasal swab 3 - 4 days
Mycobacteria routine stain (ZN for AAFB)Sputum, BAL / Urine / Bronchial washing / Bronchial brushing / Aspirates / Pus / Body Fluids / blood / tissue 1 - 2 days
Mycobacterium tuberculosis detection via GeneXpert MTB-Rif AssaySputum / BAL / Bronchial washing / Bronchial brushings Urine / Aspirates / Pus / Body Fluids / Tissue / CSF / Tracheal aspirates 1 - 2 days
Stool - Microscopy and identification of Ova, Cysts & ParasitesStool 3 days
Stool - Microscopy for RBC's & WBCsStool Daily
Urine (pH, Glucose, Protein) Only10-50 ml Urine in sterile boric acid container Daily
Urine Pregnancy Test10-50 ml Urine Daily
Urine Routine, Chemistry & microscopy, Glucose, Ketones, Bilirubin, pH, Blood, Specific Gravity, Protein, Urobilinogen, Nitrite & Leucocytes, Micro report includes RBC, WBC, Epithelial Cells, Casts, Bacteria & Crystals10-50 ml Urine in sterile boric acid container Daily
Water cultureWater 2 - 3 weeks
Molecular Biology
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) – BRCA 1/2 genetic testing (germline and somatic)3mL whole blood in purple top (EDTA) tube / FFPE tissue2 - 3 weeks
FISH for EWSR1 Break-apartParaffin Block1 - 2 Weeks
FISH, ALK (2p23) gene rearrangementParaffin Block1 - 2 Weeks
FISH, Cellular Myelocytomatosis (CMYC) gene rearrangementParaffin Block1 - 2 Weeks
FISH, FOXO1 (13q14) gene rearrangementParaffin Block1 - 2 Weeks
FISH, HER 2/NeuParaffin Block1 - 2 Weeks
FISH, Immunoglobulin Heavy chain/ B-Cell lymphoma 2 (IGH/BCL2) by Paraffin BlockParaffin Block1 - 2 Weeks
FISH, MDM2 gene amplificationParaffin Block1 - 2 Weeks
FISH, Oligodendrioglioma (1p/19q)Paraffin Block1 - 2 Weeks
HLA DRB3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)1 - 2 Weeks
NAT6 mL Blood (EDTA tube)Daily
PCR BCR - ABL Quantitative (Real Time)6 mL Blood (EDTA tube)Daily
PCR Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19)-Airline PassengersNasopharyngeal Swab2 - 3 days
PCR Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19)-Airline Passengers-Drive-inNasopharyngeal Swab2 - 3 days
PCR Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19)-PandemicNasopharyngeal Swab2 - 3 days
PCR Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19)-PCBNasopharyngeal Swab2 - 3 days
PCR Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Quantitative (Real Time)3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)1 - 2 Weeks
PCR for BK DNA (Real Time)3 mL Blood (EDTA tube), Urine1 - 2 Weeks
PCR for BRAF Mutation detection (Real Time)Paraffin Block1 - 2 Weeks
PCR for EBV DNA (Real Time)3 mL Blood (EDTA tube), CSF, BAL1 - 2 Weeks
PCR for EGFR mutation detection (Real Time)Paraffin Block1 - 2 Weeks
PCR for HSV1, HSV2 and VZV (Real Time)3 mL Blood (EDTA tube), CSF, BAL, Wound swab, Urine1 - 2 Weeks
PCR for JAK2 Mutation Detection (Real Time)3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)1 - 2 Weeks
PCR for KRAS mutation detection (Real Time)Paraffin Block1 - 2 Weeks
PCR HBV Qualitative (Real Time)6 mL Blood (EDTA tube)2 - 3 days
PCR HBV Quantitative (Real Time)6 mL Blood (EDTA tube)2 - 3 days
PCR HCV Qualitative (Promo)5.0 ml serum (Red Top Gel Tube)Daily
PCR HCV Qualitative (Real Time) 5.0 ml serum (Red Top Gel Tube)Daily
PCR HIV Quantitative (Real Time) - Promo6 mL Blood (EDTA tube)Daily
PCR IDH1 mutation detection (Real time)Paraffin Block1 - 2 Weeks
PCR IDH2 Mutation Detection (Real Time)Paraffin Block2 - 3 weeks
PCR Meningitis Panel by FilmArrayCSFDaily
PCR Pneumocystis Pneumonia (Real Time)BAL, Sputum, Tracheal AspirateDaily
PCR RT BCR - ABL Qualitative3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)1 - 2 Weeks
PCR TERT mutation detection (Real time)Paraffin Block1 - 2 Weeks
PCR TPMT genotyping3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)1 - 2 Weeks
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML) Panel3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)1 - 2 Weeks
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for Microsatellite instability (MSI)Paraffin Block2 - 3 weeks
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Influenza (A&B) and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)Nasopharyngeal SwabDaily
Post-transplant chimerism by STR3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)4 - 5 weeks
Pre transplant STR- Donor3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)4 - 5 weeks
Pre transplant STR- Patient3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)4 - 5 weeks
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) – Solid Tumor PanelFormalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded (FFPE) Tissue block containing tumor along with its histology report.4 - 5 weeks
FISH, CDKN2A (9p21) deletionParaffin embedded (FFPE) tissue blocks and previous histology report.1 - 2 Weeks
HLA B27 by Real Time PCR Qualitative3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)1 - 2 Weeks
HLA Typing (Class I and Class II) by Luminex3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)1 - 2 Weeks
Total HLA Typing Minus DR3 mL Blood (EDTA tube)1 - 2 Weeks
Medical Cytogenetics
Chromosome Analysis for Hematological Disorders, Blood or Bone MarrowBone marrow / 2 - 4mL peripheral blood (Green cap sodium/lithium heparin)2 - 3 weeks
Chromosome Analysis, for Congenital Disorders, Blood2 - 4 mL blood (Green cap sodium/lithium heparin)2 - 3 weeks
FISH, ATM (11q22) deletionBone marrow / 2 - 4mL peripheral blood (Green cap sodium/lithium heparin)3 - 5 days
FISH, BCR-ABL t(9;22)(q34;q11.2)Bone marrow / 2 - 4mL peripheral blood (Green cap sodium/lithium heparin)3 - 5 days
FISH, MLL (11q23) gene rearrangementBone marrow / 2 - 4mL peripheral blood (Green cap sodium/lithium heparin)3 - 5 days
FISH, p53 (17p13) deletionBone marrow / 2 - 4mL peripheral blood (Green cap sodium/lithium heparin)3 - 5 days
FISH, PML/RARA t(15;17)(q24;q21)Bone marrow / 2 - 4mL peripheral blood (Green cap sodium/lithium heparin)3 - 5 days
FISH, TEL/AML t(12;21)(p13;q22)Bone marrow / 2 - 4mL peripheral blood (Green cap sodium/lithium heparin)3 - 5 days
Point of care test
Arterial blood gases (ABG's) - POCT2 mL Heparinized blood in air tight syringe; The sample for this test can only be collected at one of our hospitals.Daily
Blood glucose - POCTCapillary blood; The sample for this test can only be collected at one of our hospitals.Daily
Creatinine POCT (Point of Care Test)3 mL serum (Red/yellow cap Gel Tube); The sample for this test can only be collected at SKMCH Liberty Diagnostic centre.Daily
Urine dipstick chemical examination - POCT10 - 50 ml Urine; The sample for this test can only be collected at one of our hospitals.Daily
Urine pregnancy test- Point of Care Testing5 - 10 ml Urine; The sample for this test can only be collected at one of our hospitals.Daily
Venous Blood Gases (VBGs)-POCT2 mL Heparinized blood in air tight syringe; The sample for this test can only be collected at one of our hospitals.Daily
Panel Tests
Anemia Screening Panel (CBC, Vit. B12, TIBC, Ferritin, Folate)As per individualt tests2 - 4 days
Arthritis Screening Panel (RA Factor, Uric Acid, ANA, CRP, Anti CCP)As per individualt tests1 - 3 days
Autoimmune Profile (RA Factor, CRP, ANA, ESR)As per individualt tests1 - 3 days
Basic Health Screen (Glucose (F), Lipid Profile, Creatinine - Serum)As per individualt testsDaily
Bone Health Screen (VitD, Corr Calcium, ALP, Phos, Uric Acid)As per individualt testsDaily
Chronic Hepatitis Screen (LFT's, HBsAg, HCV)As per individualt testsDaily
Chronic Kidney Disease Screen (CBC, Glucose(F), ALP, Phos, Corr Calcium, U/E, Urine Routine)As per individualt testsDaily
Covid Panel (CRP, Ferritin, LDH, CBC-auto, D-Dimer)As per individualt testsDaily
Diabetic Health Profile (HbA1C, Urinary Microalbumin, Lipid Profile)As per individualt testsDaily
Fertility Panel (Men) (FSH, LH, Prolactin,Testosterone, TSH)As per individualt testsDaily
Fertility Panel (Women) (FSH, LH, Estradiol, Prolactin, Progesterone, TSH)As per individualt tests2 - 4 days
General Health Screen (CBC, HBsAg, HCV, Glucose(F), Creat, Uric Acid, LFT's, Lipid Profile, Urine Routine)As per individualt testsDaily
Haemolysis Screen (CBC, Retic Count, Dir Coombs, LDH, Bilirubin)As per individualt testsDaily
Hypertension Screening Panel (Urea, creatinine, electrolytes, Lipid Profile,Glucose (F), Urine Routine)As per individualt testsDaily
Initial Antenatal Screen (CBC, Blood GP, HBsAg, HCV, RPR, Glucose(R), Urine Routine)As per individualt testsDaily
Metabolic Screen (Glucose(F), HbA1c, U/E, Uric Acid, Lipid Profile, ALT, AST, Urine Alb/Creat)As per individualt testsDaily
Nephritic Screen (RA Factor, ANA, ASO, C-ANCA, P-ANCA, C3, C4, IgA, IgM, IgG)As per individualt tests1 - 3 days
Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Screen (CBC, LFTs, U/E, Uric Acid, Urine Protien/Creat, Urine Routine)As per individualt testsDaily
Short Stature Screening Panel (CBC, Creatinine, ALT, AST, Glucose (F), Calcium, TSH, Free T4, IGF-1, Anti Tissue Transglutaminase IgA, Anti Tissue Transglutaminase Ig G, Urine Routine)As per individualt tests1 - 2 weeks
STD Screen (HIV, HCV, HBsAg, RPR, CT/NG)As per individualt testsDaily
TB Screen Panel (Culture, mycobacterial and sensitivity testing, Mycobacterium tuberculosis detection via GeneXpert MTB-Rif Assay, LFTs, Bicarbonate Urea Electrolytes)As per individualt tests8 weeks
Typhoid Panel (Culture - Blood, CBC + Auto Differential (5 Parts) Includes Hb, LFTs)As per individualt tests1 week
Weight Management Panel (Glucose (F), HbA1C, CRP-HS, Lipid Profile, Free T4, TSH, Insulin)As per individualt tests2 - 4 days

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SKMT Denies Misuse of Funds

Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre (SKMCH&RC) was established in 1994 with the mission to provide state-of-the-art and comprehensive cancer treatment services for all patients, irrespective of their ability to pay. Through the generous support of the Pakistani nation, within Pakistan and overseas, we have consistently provided world class cancer treatment completely free […]

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WEBINAR: Scanalyse Your Bones DXA Scan in Bone Health Assessment

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