Clinical and Treatment Services at SKMCH&RC, Lahore

Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre offers a complete range of health care services.

Clinical services are available at Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Lahore.

For an appointment, please contact +92 42 35905000 Ext. 8888

Find below the complete list of procedures:

Gastroenterology/Endoscopy Procedures and Hepatology Clinic

Experienced senior consultants perform both diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopies with capability to perform stenting and endoscopic ultrasound. We have state-of-the-art endoscopy suites with cutting-edge technology, fully-trained, specialised technicians and nurses managing patients side by side with skilled specialist physicians, both consultants and fellows, before, during and after the procedures.

Clinic Timings: (OPD Clinics days: Monday to Friday)

Test/Procedure NamePreparationPerformedReported
O. G. D.
Upper GI Endoscopy, simple primary examinationPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Upper GI Endoscopy with dilationPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Upper GI Endoscopy with dilation (Balloon)Patient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
OGD + Incision/Injection of stricturePatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Upper GI Endoscopy with control of bleeding, any methodPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Endoscopic band ligation of oesophageal varicesPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
With Histoacryl Injection Sclerosis of Gastric VaricesPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Upper GI Endoscopy with control of bleeding, (APC)Patient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Upper GI Endoscopy with control of bleeding, / Fistula Closure with OTSC ClipPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Upper GI Endoscopy and control of bleeding with haemostatic sprayPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Percutaneous placement of gastrostomy tubePatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Percutaneous Replacement of Gastrostomy ButtonPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
PEG Balloon Replacement Tube Insertion without OGDPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Gastrostomy Button Insertion without OGDPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
OGD + Percutaneous Replacement Of Gastrostomy BalloonPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
OGD + Placement of Naso Jejunal feeding tube insertionPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Endoscopic insertion of an oesophageal stentPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Endoscopic insertion of an Enteral StentPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Endoscopic insertion of an oesophageal Bio-Degradable stentPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Upper GI Endoscopy with removal of tumor(s) , polyp(s), or other lesion(s) by snare techniquePatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
OGD + Marking with clips for brachytherapyPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
EnteroscopyPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Endoscopic Insertion of a Colonic Metallic StentPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Colonoscopy, flexible, proximal to splenic flexure; diagnosticPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Colonic Dilation with BalloonPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Lower GI Endoscopy with control of bleedingPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Lower GI Endoscopy and control of bleeding with haemostatic sprayPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Lower GI Endoscopy with control of bleeding (APC)Patient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Lower GI Endoscopy with control of bleeding, / Fistula Closure with OTSC ClipPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Lower GI Endoscopy with removal of tumor(s) , polyp(s), or other lesion(s) by snare techniquePatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Sigmoidoscopy, flexible diagnosticPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
E. R. C. P.
ERCP; diagnostic, with or w/o collection of specimen(s) by brushing/washing/biopsyPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
ERCP with endoscopic retrograde insertion of tube or stent into biliary or pancreatic ductPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
ERCP with endoscopic retrograde insertion of two tubes of stent into biliary or pancreatic ductPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
ERCP with endoscopic retrograde insertion of metallic tube or stent into biliary or pancreatic ductPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
ERCP with endoscopic retrograde removal of stones(s) from biliary and/or pancreatic ductsPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Endoscopic Ultrasound
Endoscopic , Ultra Sound Examination -UpperPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Endoscopic , Ultra Sound Examination -LowerPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Endoscopic Ultra Sound Examination + FNA-UpperPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Endoscopic Ultra Sound Examination + FNA-LowerPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
EUS Guided Puncture / Drainage ProcedurePatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
EUS Guided Puncture / Drainage Procedure with Insertion of Metallic StentPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
EUS guided choledecho-duodenostomy with Insertion of metallic stentPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
EUS guided gastro-jejunostomy/Cyst-gastrostomy with Insertion of metallic stentPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day

Pulmonology Clinic and Bronchoscopy Procedures

Our board-certified pulmonary consultants with formal training in interventional pulmonology have the ability to perform pleuroscopy, bronchoscopic tumour debulking, stent placement, trans-bronchial needle aspiration, trans-bronchial lung biopsies and percutaneous tracheostomies.

Clinic Timings: Tuesday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Test/Procedure NamePreparationPerformedReported
Laryngoscopy, Flexible Fiberoptic; DiagnosticPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Bronchoscopy; Diagnostic (Flexible Or Rigid), With Or Without Cell Washing Or Brushing, With BiopsyPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Bronchoscopy; diagnostic, (flexible or rigid), with excision of tumorPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Bronchoscopy; diagnostic, (flexible or rigid), with removal of foreign bodyPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Bronchoscopy; diagnostic, (flexible or rigid), with tracheal dilation and placement of tracheal stentPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Bronchoscopy; diagnostic, (flexible or rigid), with transbronchial needle aspiration biopsyPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Endobronchial Ultra Sound Examination - (EBUS)Patient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Endobronchial Ultra Sound Examination + Fine Needle Aspiration - (EBUS + FNA)Patient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Laryngoscopy, Flexible Fiber optic; Diagnostic With BiopsyPatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
Thoracoscopy, diagnostic (separate procedure): lungs and pleural spacePatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day
With Transbronchial Lung Biopsy, With Or Without Fluoroscopic GuidancePatient Assessment Required by Consultant.Mon to Fri
9am to 4pm
Same day

Pain Management

Here at Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Centre, we offer pain management services run by our highly qualified and trained, pain management physicians. We are able to address a wide range of chronic pain conditions, including:

Clinic Timings: Friday

Interventional Procedures
Facet Joint Injections
Epidural Injections
Neurolytic Blocks
Nerve Root Blocks
Intrathecal Neurolysis

Orthopedic Clinic (Joint Replacement Centre)

Joint replacement procedures are beneficial for patients who suffer from arthritis or other painful conditions. These procedures can alleviate pain and improve function for those individuals who suffer from arthritis, fractures, osteoarthritis, congenital deformity and other diseases. Our areas of expertise include:

Clinic Timings: Monday& Wednesday

Total Knee Replacement
Revision Knee Replacement for painful / infected total knee replacement
Total Hip Replacement
Revision Hip Replacement for painful / infected total hip replacement
Knee Arthroscopy for meniscal / cartilage injury
Arthroscopic ACL / ligament reconstruction of knee
Shoulder Arthroscopy for impingment / tendon repair
Elective pediatric problem Limb Length correction etc.

Endocrinology Clinic

Endocrinology division provides comprehensive management of diabetes mellitus and all complications associated with the disease. It also manages patients with thyroid and parathyroid disorders, pituitary disease including pituitary tumours and hypopituitarism, adrenal disorders and hypogonadism, as well as osteoporosis.

Clinic Timings: Monday to Friday

Nephrology Clinic

The Division of Nephrology provides comprehensive assessment and management of inpatients and outpatients presenting with kidney issues.

Clinic Timings: Monday, Tuesday & Friday

Infectious Diseases Clinic

Board-certified, US-trained specialist consultants manage patients with complex diseases. We also offer dedicated HIV clinics backed by state-of-the-art microbiology and PCR laboratory facilities.

Clinic Timings: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Neurology Clinic

The Division of Neurology conducts three outpatient clinics each week.

Clinic Timings: Tuesday, Friday and Saturday (Pediatrics Only)

Cardiology Clinic

The Division of Cardiology offers both Transthoracic Echocardiograms and Transoesophageal Echocardiograms. In addition, this division conducts Exercise Tolerance Tests and Cardiology Clinics.

Clinic Timings: Wednesday to Friday

Online Donation Box

Donate any amount of your choice or be an official online fundraiser of Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre by following these simple guide lines: Step-1: Sign up Step-2: Create your fundraising page Step-3: Donate and pass it on to your friends If we all do a little, we can do a […]

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Shaukat Khanum Lab

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SKMT Denies Misuse of Funds

Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre (SKMCH&RC) was established in 1994 with the mission to provide state-of-the-art and comprehensive cancer treatment services for all patients, irrespective of their ability to pay. Through the generous support of the Pakistani nation, within Pakistan and overseas, we have consistently provided world class cancer treatment completely free […]

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WEBINAR: Scanalyse Your Bones DXA Scan in Bone Health Assessment

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